Different Power BI licenses
Do you also want to become king of your data? We wrote a white paper about the different Power BI licenses.
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Microsoft has various options for (potential) Microsoft users Power BI. read the variety of options in and between the licenses in this white paper to find out which one suits your organization best.
There are many different options within the Power BI subscriptions. The variation between the options for your organization is very large; anything is possible. But that can also be reflected in the monthly invoice. Microsoft offers licenses that range from free to thousands of euros per month. We are happy to think with you about how we can keep costs as low as possible, but without sacrificing options.
The costs for the more expensive Power BI licenses can be calculated with the following tooling:
DATA KINGDOM is your partner in automating your information needs in a clear dashboard using Power BI. We develop dashboards based on various information sources; from financial systems, CRM packages, simple Excel lists to analytical data from your marketing solution. Your dashboard always offers tailor-made insight, based on your wishes. This way you become king of your own data!