A jungle of overviews



Can’t see the forest for the trees anymore

Less is more, ook binnen het bedrijfsleven. Het is al op vele gebieden bewezen. Toch blijven we elkaar overladen met vele e-mails, telefoontjes, opdrachten en taken. Overal overzichten met data. De vraag ‘Heb jij mijn e-mail over de meeting van gisteren al gezien?’ wordt vaak negatief beantwoord doordat er nog genoeg andere zaken liggen die bekeken moeten worden. Het wordt steeds moeilijker om alles bij te houden. Goedbedoeld maken we allerlei overzichten en lijsten om elkaar te ondersteunen. Maar wordt het niet allemaal een beetje te veel? Verliezen we niet het overzicht?


“I’ll make an overview for you…”

We want to support each other in each other’s work, but this makes us producers of information. A new system is purchased in which everything can be recorded, so that our colleague has insight into what is going on around that new customer. A department is put to work to prepare a report. Overviews with data everywhere, all information is available in any case! Nowadays it seems to be increasingly about producing information, instead of looking at the usefulness and necessity of the information for the end user. How is it possible that we make things difficult for each other by wanting to help someone else?


More information means less control

Because more information is available, we must use that information more efficiently and effectively. We need to analyze the information to assess whether it has added value in our decision-making. The growing amount of reports and details means that reports are only partially used or not used at all.

The information is there, but I can’t do anything with it…

All information is available, but the relevance of the reporting is decreasing. No translation is made between the available information and the purpose of the report. The relevance of the reporting could increase if the information were presented in a way that the end user could use it right away.

You want to be able to see what you need immediately

If the user of the report were asked what they need, we are sure that he or she will get what he or she needs. It seems like a logical step, but it is often forgotten or skipped.

DATA KINGDOM starts the process of creating automated reports with a session in which the question ‘What do you want to see?’ is central. In the design thinking workshop we design the components of the automated dashboard together with the end users. We discuss not only what users want to see, but also how they would like to see it. This allows us to produce a report that shows what the user needs. This way you finally have an overview of data that is useful to you.

We will discuss later how this is adjusted at the back. We are not going to interfere with the end user…

I want a dashboard!

Would you like to know more about how we can help you become king of your own data? Download our e-book ‘I want a dashboard’ in which we explain the complete DATA KINGDOM process.

Please contact us!

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