DATA KINGDOM in new hands

From now on, DATA KINGDOM is in the hands of Steven Annegarn and Gino van Hameren. They will take over the company from Amber Kesselaer on May 15.

Amber startte DATA KINGDOM in 2019 en heeft dit uitgebouwd tot een sterk merk met goede propositie. De visie van DATA KINGDOM is om bedrijven koning van de eigen data te maken. Door middel van consultancy en training helpt DATA KINGDOM haar klanten om meer inzicht te krijgen in de eigen data, en daar beter mee om te gaan. DATA KINGDOM was Amber’s data koninkrijk, zij was zelf Queen Executive Officer (QEO). Haar teamleden hadden bijpassende titels zoals Prins Data & Analyse of Prinses Marketing.

Toch doet Amber na vier jaar afstand van haar koninklijke titel en geeft zij haar kroon over aan Steven Annegarn en Gino van Hameren. Beide hebben een achtergrond in Finance. Zo is Steven afgestudeerd Register Controller. Meer recent werkt hij voor diverse klanten als freelance Lead Power BI Consultant. Gino heeft diverse CFO rollen vervuld en zich ontwikkeld tot een echte data CFO. Eind 2022 besloten zij de krachten te bundelen en samen een Power BI Consultancy bedrijf op te bouwen. De acquisitie van DATA KINGDOM past naadloos in deze ambitie.

dashboard presentation
dashboard presentation

Amber: “It is with full conviction that I hand over the crown of the data kingdom to these two enthusiastic gentlemen. Their knowledge-rich addition and driven entrepreneurship, combined with the existing team, give me a good feeling that DATA KINGDOM’s customers will be helped in the most royal way.”

Steven: “I am very happy that we can take over and continue DATA KINGDOM from Amber. As a freelancer, I experience every day how much demand there is for Power BI consultants and how difficult they are to find. With the DATA KINGDOM team, the good proposition and the strong brand, we can go faster, better and bigger together.”

Gino: “When a dream becomes reality! 2.5 months ago Steven and I joined forces. With the acquisition of DATA KINGDOM, we gain six fun, smart and energetic colleagues. After the introduction, I am even more excited to continue building DATA KINGDOM with you “

Gino and Steven will continue Amber’s vision; helping the customer become more successful through data-driven working, solutions and dashboards in Power BI, and through training in these areas. There is an ambitious growth plan for DATA KINGDOM; new propositions, more customers, and growth of the team.

The services that DATA KINGDOM offers can be divided into two categories: Take care of yourself and learn to do it yourself. The ‘Take care of your worries’ category includes services such as developing a Power BI dashboard, Power BI as a Service, and predicting with data. ‘Learn to do it yourself’ involves training and workshops that the DATA KINGDOM team can give to small or larger groups of people.  

From now on, Amber will fully focus on her other company Move to Impact. Move to Impact helps organizations gain insight into their social, economic and ecological impact. Companies can also go there if they want to prepare for the CSRD, or want advice on becoming a B-Corp.

Teamfoto Maart 2022
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