Information at the right moment
I have the information, but is it current?
A large number of employees do not see the available information at the right time. The information is available, but is often shared just or not in time. The ideal situation would be a view where the current data is constantly visible. DATA KINGDOM can take care of that.
Different data sources create chaos
Isn’t it frustrating that you have to deal with different data sources every day, but you no longer know what to look at first? Every day, organizations produce an abundance of data. The processing of that data is not updated daily. Simply because it takes too much work and time. An internal employee is therefore assigned the task of creating an overview via Excel, but does not have the time to update this daily. This creates outdated information.
I want an up-to-date overview!
Frustration about outdated information? We can help you! With an online dashboard you can constantly see the most current status, in one clear overview
No more manual reports!
Entering data manually increases the chance of errors. No one wants to make mistakes, but it happens anyway. Today could be the day that you leave this method of data processing behind for good and keep all data up to date.
Get rid of outdated and redundant data
Do you also want to be able to switch at the right time?
- One overview in a usable dashboard Data-driven working
- Constantly reliable data
- No more time spent collecting information
- View your information anywhere, on your desktop, tablet or phone
All this could be possible without taking much time or effort. DATA KINGDOM can already meet your information needs by delivering dashboards within 1 week! With a dashboard you can check today’s situation instead of yesterday’s status.
You are only king of your own data if you can see it
The best way to see the benefits of an online dashboard in action is to watch our demo. There are several reasons why it is better to display your reports in an online dashboard with Power BI than, for example, via an Excel report. Your online dashboard can provide insight into:
- Turnover
- Stock value
- Gross profit margin
- Sales per country
- Top 20 products
And much more…
We make the road to an online dashboard as short as possible
For many companies it is difficult to indicate which information should be provided in one overview. DATA KINGDOM has developed a process to get your business started. We work step by step to develop a relevant dashboard for your organization:
- KPI Design thinking workshop
- Mapping data sources
- Developing the dashboard
- Evaluation
We help you to view the information at the right time
Want to get started developing online dashboards yourself? DATA KINGDOM facilitates Power BI training courses in which you and your department become acquainted with the world of Power BI.
We take you into the world of Power BI
There are several reasons why it is better to display your reports in an online dashboard with Power BI rather than, for example, through an Excel report.