Datadriven sales dashboard
What was the question?
Florijnz Corporate Finance has purchased a tool (Leadinfo)
where it can be seen which companies have viewed the website. They want to use this to prepare for pitches or to actively approach companies that have been on the website with some regularity in a data-driven sales dashboard.
Fictitious data is displayed in the demo dashboard.
What are we looking at?
Data from:
- Website visit
- Data dump Leadinfo
For example:
Visit duration per page
Number of pages visited per company
Average website visit time per company
Visit duration per sector
What is the added value of the dashboard?
The sales department of Florijnz can make more targeted acquisitions because they can see in the data-driven sales dashboard who has been on the website and which pages they have viewed. In the preparation of pitches, they can also see which pages the company has visited, to see in which services Florijnz is interested. This allows them to talk in a more targeted manner, which may result in a lead being converted into a customer more quickly.