DATA KINGDOM has several services to help you gain more insight, so that you can base your choices on today’s current situation. This is how you make the best informed choice for tomorrow.
You have more insight with a dashboard. DATA KINGDOM helps you map out the information requirement, and then display it in a clear dashboard.
Power BI training for companies
Do you want to get started with Power BI dashboards within your organization? DATA KINGDOM facilitates Power BI training on location.
Power BAAS
Power BI as a Service. Your dashboard developer available at all times, so you never have to make a choice based on intuition again.
Power BI training for beginners
Within 4 hours we will introduce you to the basic principles of Power BI.
Power BI Introduction training
In 1 hour you will be introduced to the world of Power BI.
Training 'working data-driven'
Learn what data-driven working means and how your organization can become more data-driven.
Data-driven strategic consultation
How can you as an organization start with data-driven work? Does your organization already have a data strategy?
Purpose driven KPI's
Prepare your organization for a sustainable future. Make the goal of your organization visible and measurable!
Design Thinking workshop
It is important to know which KPIs the organization wants to manage. DATA KINGDOM facilitates design thinking workshops to map these out.
In control of your data
The training for developing dashboards and becoming aware of the risks of the use of data.
Data-driven smarketing
Smarketing, combining sales and marketing. And that is also data-driven!